Hi Y’all.
Time for another blog post.
I know it has been a while since my last one. I had originally said I would try and do a post every week.
Obviously, I have stopped doing this and I have sort of decided I am just going
to do posts primarily when I hit 20 pound points and then if something happens
that I think can justify a post (my one year anniversary, getting to the point
of having skin removal surgery, etc). I
quite simply don’t have enough content to justify more frequent posts. Before
there was rapid change and things to report, now I am still losing but it is
slower and it has gone from being this dynamic, exciting period of change to a
point of me being more fully adjusted to my new life.
That doesn’t mean that I am not still progressing and
changing, because I am. I still have
quite a bit of weight that I can afford to lose but I have been working out and
getting in better shape that I really do feel that I am at the point of having
a pretty athletic person hidden behind
the remaining fat and excess skin. I
have noticed quite a few situations where my stamina is much improved, my
balance is a lot better and my agility has definitely improved.
A good example of this was forced upon me the other
day. Someone decided to accidentally set
of the fire alarm in the building we work in. I work on the 11th
floor and we had to take the stairs down to the first floor. A year ago I would
have probably been one of the last down the stairs, would have been exhausted,
and my legs would have been sore for probable a few days. Now I was the second one to the bottom, was
just slightly out of breath and instead of being sore for a few days I felt
good enough to go and do a spinning class after work that evening.
I still continue to notice other changes in my body like my
fingers continuing to shrink and bones starting to stick out where they hadn’t
before. My favorite change recently,
however, is with my butt. Needless to
say, I have lost a lot of padding in that particular area and it makes a big
difference, chairs just feel different. I find I have to change my sitting posture
just because they ways I had trained my body to sit applied pressure in
different places than it does now. One
of the stranger changes was one I experienced the other day. I was sitting on a hard wooden chair and was
sort of rocking side to side. It used to be that I had so much ‘padding’ that
it was a smooth transition from one side to the other. Now I seem to shift from one pelvic bone to
the other with a sort of gap between (picture having a side-to-side rocking
chair and the difference between trying to rock the rocking chair and trying to
rock a chair with regular legs).
So, I do continue to lose but it is at quite a bit slower
rate. I did hit the next 20-pound mark,
which was at 255, and actually, I am now down to 250. That is a total of 165 pounds lost since I
started doing this blog. Of course that
also means it is time for some new comparison pics. I will throw a couple of
other pics up here too.

I continue to be amazed at how much of an impact my
experience and this blog have had on other people. Several people have told me that my story has
motivated them to make some sort of major change in their life. I have one friend that has already had the
same surgery I had with the same surgeon due, at least in part, to my
experience. I have one other friend who is working thru the process of
qualifying for the surgery as well. I
also know of at least one other friend that has also now decided to have the
surgery and at least two others that are seriously considering it.
My friend Dennis is
the one who has had the surgery. He is
supposed to be coming back to work this week and I cannot wait to see how much
he has lost already. I am also looking forward to watching someone else go thru
what I just went thru. I also can’t wait
to pay forward all the support and encouragement I have been given during my
Now to the other major life change in my life this year and
that is, of course, my son Evren. He is now 5 and a half months old and is definitely moving
along in his development. His health issues seem, for the most part, to be
behind him although he is still quite a bit smaller than average. But aside
from this week where he has been having an unpleasant experience with his first
2 teeth coming in he is a happy healthy little baby boy.
Well that pretty much does it for this post, thanks for
reading, and of course thanks for the thoughts, prayers and encouragement.