Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First appointment with the surgeon...

Sorry it’s been a while since the last post. Just didn’t have much to report. I’ll try and post something after each appointment.  I am sure they will increase in frequency as the surgery eventually gets closer…probably mid February at the earliest.
Had my first appointment with my Surgeon (Dr. Michael Snyder) yesterday.  Aside from them losing my file and needing to fill out all the first time paperwork again it went well.
The appointment was basically just a quick one-on-one consult. We discussed which actual procedure I want to get (roux-en-y gastric bypass), Dr Snyder thinks I am a prime candidate for this particular procedure. Discussed medical history and co-morbities due to excess weight (in my case primarily sleep apnea and high blood pressure). 
We also discussed what the doctor thought would be a good ideal weight for me to get down to.  Dr. Snyder thought that 215 sounder like a good goal based on my body frame size. I had initially wanted to aim for 200 but in all honesty I have never seen what I look like as a full grown adult at approaching a “healthy weight” so for now I am more than happy with the idea of 215 pounds for a goal.  If I get there and think I can afford to lose more I will cross that bridge when I get there.  For the record getting to 215 would be a total weight loss of 200 pounds, basically losing a full grown healthy man.
We also discussed some tests and labs that I have to have done before the surgery.  Some are just for Dr. Snyder’s benefit, some are to qualify for insurance.  Basically I am going to be getting a full blood lab workup, a psych eval (that should be fun, or at least interesting), and a test to check my heart.
After that I also had to talk to the case manager to make sure I knew everything I needed to do to satisfy the insurance guidelines.
For the record I am now under 400 pounds, hopefully never to return.  I am at 399.6 pounds.
I have an appointment with the dietician next week number (2 of 6 with her), I will post another update after that appointment.
Thanks for following and thanks for all the prayers.

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